Friday, July 7, 2017

I’m on the last two of the New Mexico bears.

My embroidery skills are still not very good (but then it’s hard to practice free hand embroidery on a single crochet background.

Uncle Freddy died yesterday. I have to say QEPD, even if I have a lot of anger and judgmental feelings coming up. He was a beloved son to Libradita. That’s what I should focus on.


SweetPea is here alongside me. She was wanting to be with me but I have so much junk on my lounge with me that there was no room. But Luz just boosted her up and put her in the midst, and now she’s all happy and asleep.

She really has a knack for making herself comfortable no matter what. there’s an electrical cord under her chin, yarn and an embroidered needle case under her head, and barely an inch away from her eyes there’s a stitch holder and an embroidery needle, and right next to her nose there’s a packet of stitch markers. All of which goes to show how messy I am. But I finished embroidering the face of one of the bears this morning, while still drinking my coffee and just before starting this journal entry.

When we couldn’t sleep last night, just touching SweetPea helped settle me down. It’s like there’s something deep inside me that releases, unclenches.

There was, apparently, a huge fire this morning near St. Paul’s where Beverley lives. There was a big building that was under construction and the whole thing went up in flames. Pretty scary situation, but Beverley slept through all the fire engines.

I can hear the chickens clucking outside.

My plan today is for Luz to pack up all the hazardous waste (mostly paint cans) for me to take to the appropriate site, and then I’ll come back and Luz can load up all the donation stuff for Thrift Town in San Leandro. I’ll swing by Lexi’s to drop off the stuff she wants, and then go to Thrift Town.

I’m going to go double check the hours for the hazardous waste disposal.



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