Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Even though I managed to hold on to that dream an extra day, I’ve already forgotten last night’s dream. Other than how surprised I was when the alarm went off.

Oh, today would be a good day to post my dog-walking poem. Because of Joanne talking about writing shitty poetry. (which she totally doesn’t!)

She posted a poem last night about sexual assault and fighting it off and how terrifying and dismembering it was, and how when she retells the story, that part is erased in favor of the supportive narratives everyone else inserts.

I’m crocheting another bear (#4). I’m really torn between wanting to finish the running bear I started, and wanting to go all Mexicana huipil and skirt on this one. I think I should finish it, and save the huipil for the next bear, the one where I **count the stitches** instead of just eye-balling it and then later saying to myself, this bear looks kind of chueco…

I have just a few minutes before I wake Luz up.

I have office hours at noon and plan to grade before and after that. I should have the photo essays finished today (assuming I find them all) and make a good start on the Lotería projects. I’m going to take the dogs with me. I’m hopeful that their presence will make me more inclined to walk and less inclined to crochet.

I’ve been reading (listening to) Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. It’s pretty intense. On the one hand, I want to ask Beverley if she’s read it, I want Luz to read it, I want my mom and sister to read it. On the other hand, I want to spare everyone from reading this book. I get really mad when I realize that my Dad is much closer to the end of the journey than most of us want to admit. I think my Mom has a pretty good sense—she’s thinking weeks or months. I do think my sister is now thinking “this year.” Steven had asked her if he should come out and she told him, not now, but this summer for sure.Flaco was a total ragdoll in my arms this morning. Although he’s a total tiger much of the time, it’s fun to see him so cuddly. (Klingon in the streets, tribble in the sheets.)

I need another cup of coffee...

Oh no! I’ve searched my journal and totally failed to find my precious Barrio Chihuahua’s poem! My timeless verses, lost forever! ¡Qué lástima!

Hmm, I wonder if I lost not only the post with the dog walking poem but also the one where I wrote about being able to connect to dropbox. I’ll do another search to look for it.

I am back at work on my fourth bear, and I am mostly following the directions. I mean okay, I’ve only followed the directions for the last 15% of the pattern, but at least I’m doing that. I think if I counted and kept track of numbers, my bears wouldn’t keep coming out so chueco and with pin heads. This one I’m mostly following directions for the head and neck and now the head looks ENORMOUS. (It would have helped if I’d first followed the directions for the body!)I’m super sleep today: don’t know why, other than that I don’t want t grade. The pups are here at the office with me and they are both sleeping, so maybe that’s creating a general atmosphere of sleepiness in the office.
Follow up—yep! That’s what happened! the dog post was the same one where I was first able to access the macjournal through dropbox on the macbook air.

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